• Tesla still dominates the US electric vehicle market.
  • But Tesla's overall market share is rapidly declining.
  • Major automakers are good at dealing with market share battles, but Tesla has never fought one.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

The sales totals are in for April, and Tesla is killing it. 

Elon Musk's automaker sold an estimated 16,600 vehicles during the month in the US, compared to about 13,300 for the rest of the auto industry's brands — more than a dozen different nameplates — according to Morgan Stanley. Moreover, Tesla's market share of EVs in the US looks like General Motors' circa 1955: a whopping 56%.

But while sales are up, Tesla's dominance is down. Last year, the automaker had 78% of that EV market. (Remarkably, it has done this while selling just four models: the Models S, X, 3, and Y.)

That shift tells us that although Tesla continues to own most of the US EV market, it's losing what I've previously called its "micro-monopoly" as its legacy competitors get serious about rolling out new, battery-powered offerings. Now, Musk has long insisted that Tesla's grand mission is to end the era of the internal combustion engine, and that it can't do it alone — he has always said he welcomes competition.

Taking market share, though, is just part of the battle. Think of it like territory in warfare. If you capture ground, you're winning. But holding ground is often more demanding than conquest, and the thrill of winning can morph into the slog of losing.

The challenges of market share

In the US, the share for most vehicle segments and the overall market is extremely predictable. Together, GM and Ford control about a third of the total of approximately 17 million in annual passenger car and light truck sales. Toyota has 15%, Stellantis about 12%, and everybody else 10% or less. (Smaller share isn't a big deal for luxury marques such as BMW or Mercedes, which don't want to get ahead of demand for their highly profitable vehicles.)

This means that in order to grab a few points of share here or there, a carmaker has to spend an enormous amount of money and catch some luck on the timing. For example, a couple of years ago, RAM rolled out a new full-size pickup truck and briefly posted better numbers than market leader Ford and second-place GM. But that was because the RAM truck was new. As soon as Ford introduced a new truck, the ranking that has persisted since 1982 was restored. Ford outsold RAM by about 200,000 units in 2020 and could stretch the gap to half a million in 2021.

Once you have share, you need to be pretty organized about hanging onto it. For RAM, the finance, willpower, and ongoing opportunism simply weren't available to climb that mountain.

For Tesla, amassing share has been, up to now, essentially free. Most automakers haven't wanted to produce EVs in meaningful numbers because consumers haven't been buying and there's no proven formula for making money selling them. (Indeed, Tesla hasn't yet made money selling cars — its profits have come from selling the emission credits it earns by manufacturing all-electric vehicles.)

Tesla has had it easy — but those days are ending

Back to Tesla's declining market share. As the EV market expands in the next decade, Tesla is up against some rough economics. To keep pace and hold its already declining share, it will have to more frequently update its models, introduce new ones in segments like pickups, and spend billions to increase production by building new factories. 

Here's where Tesla has disadvantages. It's adding its first new US plant in Texas after running one plant in California since 2010. GM, meanwhile, recently converted two plants in the Detroit area to all-electric production. That wasn't a low-cost move — it's a multi-billion-dollar investment — but those factories are ready to go, connected to a well-established automotive supply chain, and operated by industry pros who know how to build 1,000 vehicles at a single factory in a single day, every day, all year long.

If Tesla can't keep up — and unless it figures out a way to 3D print assembly lines, it can't — then its share in the US should continue to decline. That in itself isn't a big deal because one expects a competitive market to destroy a first-mover monopoly, benefiting consumers in the process. The real problem for Tesla is that it's never before had to spend money to hold ground.

Fortunately, Tesla has money to spend, with some $20 billion on its balance sheet. And because its stock is so valuable and investors have an insatiable craving for it, the company's cost of capital is free: It can simply sell more of itself to raise funds. And because the equity has appreciated so much in the past five years, investors have no issues with their stakes getting diluted in the process. Some finance experts actually think that this "exorbitant privilege" translates into Tesla having a negative cost of capital. 

Tesla also has insanely high brand loyalty and massive appeal to people who've never gone electric, so at the moment, it's all on Big Auto to convince consumers that they should buy a Mustang Mach-E or Cadillac Lyriq rather than a Model Y or Model X. However, the EV market isn't sitting still. It's currently about 2% of sales in the US, but unlike the gas-engine market, which can't get much bigger, the EV market is poised to grow by swapping internal-combustion share for electric-car share: a million internal combustion vehicles out, a million EVs in.

So Tesla must defend and capture simultaneously, fighting the dreaded two-front war. Big Auto, on the other hand, can simply conquer. And when it comes time to defend, well, Big Auto knows how to do that very, very well. So if you like cars and battles, get ready for the biggest, baddest drive-in war movie you've ever seen.

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